Dear Pastor
As a pastor, you know we are jealous of our pulpits, I mean, we become territorial because of the total fiduciary relationship God requires of us of the people, He gives us to shepherd. We are totally responsible for the impact and influence upon their spirituality.
Well, I want to recommend a fellow-pastor whom I feel you can trust to be a co-laborer of love when he comes to fill your pulpit. He is Pastor David Measures from the great nation of Great Britain. Before I invited him to serve my congregation, I invited him to a one-hour-live radio interview on my radio station here in the Chattanooga market. As a broadcaster, I asked him the hard questions. He absolutely mesmerized that secular audience for the entire audience that was heard around the world.
Then I invited him to a special miracle night for my church people. Every single person in the building saw an answer to their prayer request. Pastor Measures put everyone at ease with his shepherd heart and warm personality, then he “broke the Bread of Life open to us. When he had prepared their hearts, he called them forward to pray the prayer of faith. Each received their healing, but I cannot even measure the corporate healing that resulted in this dedicated minister-servant. Invite him to your church. Doesn’t wear a Rolex, doesn’t wear Hickey-Freeman or 3-G suits. Doesn’t hawk his wares. He has books and DVD’s available, but his reason for being there is to minister. When it is over people buy the products because of his credibility, not his showmanship. Invite him to your church, I recommend it.
Eugene Harold Coleman, Sr. Pastor
Carpenter’s Cowboy Church of Chattanooga