
DWMMI - A Ministry of Wholeness & Healing to the Body of Christ

Mission to the Amazon Brazil 2017

Day 1We arrived on the Friday in the early hours of the morning after being on the road for 29 hours we had a good night’s sleep in the hotel. In the evening, we went to Pastor John Nunes church, David spoke, 3 accepted Jesus as Lord and many received prayer for deliverance. Day 2On Saturday …


Ministry in Amazon 2011

May 2011 We arrived on May 2nd in the early hours of the morning after being on the road 24hours and we were taken to our Hotel in Downtown Manaus, Amazonia. Day 1In the evening we were taken to the church for our first meeting only to find that it was an open air crusade …


Ministry in Brazil

April 2010 After traveling for over 24 hours we eventually arrived in Manaus the capital city in the Amazon. We had a rest for 3 hours then boarded a hydrofoil to take us over 200 miles down the Amazon River to a small city called Borba.  Here we rested for a day before ministering at a …



Mission to Brazil

March 20th – April 20th 2009 Day 1We eventually arrived at 1 pm in Manaus in the Amazon, Brazil. In the evening I spoke at the main church under the headship of the president of the Pentecostal churches of the Amazon. 34 people accepted Jesus as Lord and many were healed including the deaf, people …


Brazil 2008

2008 We arrived in Manaus in the Amazon region of Brazil after twenty two hours traveling on three different flights. We were met by Pastor John Nunes and his elder son. It was very late in the evening when we arrived so he took us straight to the Hotel. After a good nights sleep (which …


Crusades in Brazil

SEPTEMBER 2007 Day 1 The Mission started on the 11th Sept. After flying to Sao Paulo from Birmingham via Zurich, I then boarded a flight to Florianopolis in the state of Santa Catarina in Southern Brazil. My first city where I ministered was called Timbo. Timbo is a very nice town with the church being …


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