Amazon in Brazil

DWMMI - A Ministry of Wholeness & Healing to the Body of Christ

Mission to Bulgaria 2024

Mission to Bulgaria 2024

This is the first mission since the Covid Lockdown of Pastor David and Helen Measures joined by a young evangelist Jakub. We do thank our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ of Yesterday, Today and Forever Church back in England who supported, blessed this mission, and kept us in prayer so the Gospel of Lord …



Mission to Brazil 2018

We arrived to Manaus via Rio de Janerio on 13th September where we rested the first night. The that went were Andrew & Julie as well as Helen and Myself on Day 1we all went to a small church called Mount Sion where 8 new people accepted Jesus as Lord also there were approx. 10 …



Carpenter’s Cowboy Church of Chattanooga

Dear Pastor As a pastor, you know we are jealous of our pulpits, I mean, we become territorial because of the total fiduciary relationship God requires of us of the people, He gives us to shepherd. We are totally responsible for the impact and influence upon their spirituality. Well, I want to recommend a fellow-pastor …


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