DWMMI - A Ministry of Wholeness & Healing to the Body of Christ
DWMMI Healing
A Ministry of Wholeness & Healing to the Body of Christ...
On the 22nd August 2023 I ministered to a 32 year old young lady in USA with stage 4 cancer who was sent home to for end of life care in a hospice. She could not take anything by mouth as her body rejected everything. After prayer over Skype I told her Mother and Father to give her a drink. The above photographs were is 5 days later. Just look what God has done.
For Jessica
Hallelujah! Praise God!!
Large stomach tumour – miracle healed
Spine twisted like the letter ‘Z’
Prostate problem 10 years -healed
Stomach healed
Wheelchair discarded
Stroke symptoms healed
Stomach healed
Pains whilst pregnant
Problems breathing & walking
Stomach Pains
Strong pain in back
Operation on stomach – still in pain
Pains in pelvis after accident
Pains in feet – healed
Pains in feet – doctors could not heal
Lady with heart problems healed
Head healed
Lady felt the hand of God in her problem Womb
Head healed from Stroke
Gall Bladder healed
Healed & back healed
Deaf healed
Deaf mute healed
Lady could not walk or stand
Lady could not walk
Cancer healed
Bleeding from the womb for many years
Believes no longer barren
Back healed after accident
Bones fused together in neck
Breast Cancer – healed lump gone
Ankle Healed
Broken shoulder healed
Arthritis healed
Lung problems. Now healed X rays prove it
Stomach healed
Spine healed
Neck healed
Man 5 yrs totally blind. Now he sees
Back problems now healed
Lady could not walk. Now healed
Healed in Jesus name
Deaf and dumb girl healed
Leg problem. Now healed
Back pain cured
Salvation in Borba
7 year old blind boy. Now totally healed
Salvation in Bulgaria 2010
Lady healed from cancer
Man and wife both deaf mutes now healed
Tumour gone from neck
Tumour gone from neck
Boy 7yr old covered in leporous type scabs. Healed
Broken arm healed
Leper healed
Deaf mute healed
Deaf mute healed
Deaf mute healed
Crutches no longer needed
Crutches no longer needed
Crowds accepting Jesus
Cancer on neck healed
Back problems healed
Brain problem healed
Baby had tumor on back. Vanished in Jesus name
Deaf and dumb girl healed
Paralysed child in London. Healed
Lady had the shakes in her hand since childhood. Now healed
Lady no longer needs her wheelchair
13 yr old born with brain paralysis
Lady deaf and mute, Now healed
Cancerous lumps gone
Little girl healed from mysterious disease
Lady in wheelchair 18 months suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. Now healed and walking walking in meeting at Elgin Scotland
Almost blind but now healed in Bulgaria
Back problem healed in Greece
Salvation in Bulgaria
Salvation in Bulgaria
Salvation in Bulgaria
Salvation in Bulgaria
Salvation in Bulgaria
Lady who could not walk because of severe back pain. Now healed