Ministry in Brazil

DWMMI - A Ministry of Wholeness & Healing to the Body of Christ

April 2010

After traveling for over 24 hours we eventually arrived in Manaus the capital city in the Amazon. We had a rest for 3 hours then boarded a hydrofoil to take us over 200 miles down the Amazon River to a small city called Borba. 

Here we rested for a day before ministering at a 3 day open air evangelistic crusade under the directorship of Pastor Siqueria. The people were so nice and friendly and they all received us gladly. The local TV people were there to interview us and we appeared on the local television in the afternoon. Loud speakers were going all around the town informing people of the crusade.

Day 1
On the first night approx 800 people attended the meeting, 250 responded to the call for salvation. We did much ministry in praying for the sick and many testified of their miracle. One exceptional miracle was a lady who had spent all her money on doctors hoping to be healed of cancer; she had a tumour on her neck like a small football. After prayer it seemed like nothing had happened but the next day her husband visited the Pastor to tell him that his wife’s cancer had vanished.

Day 2
We walked around the town where the houses are traditionally made out of wood with gaps in the walls for windows. People were stopping us asking if we would pray for their sick. One such incident was a lady with cancer who again the family had spent all they had on trying for find a cure but had only got worse; earlier her son on a motorbike had stopped us on the road and arranged for someone to take us to her home. We prayed and all her pain left her. She and all her family accepted Jesus as their Lord. There was a man who after surgery on his leg had gone mute and he was healed and another lady who had lost all she had including her family after she had been involved in Macumba (witchcraft), she had prayer and was set free. A lady accepted Jesus as well as her family. At the evening meeting approx 1000 people attended, 45 new believers came forward for salvation and approx 80 testified to receiving a miracle of healing, including a lady who had almost lost her sight.

Day 3
After breakfast we visited the owner of the supermarket in the town who was a very prominent Catholic, she had been to the open air meeting the night before and needed to know what the message of Jesus was really about. She accepted Jesus as well as her servant and her mother. After coming out of her house a man was waiting for us to ask if we could pray for his mother who was very poor and had cancer of the stomach and was in much pain. We entered her humble home, prayed for her and all her pain left her. The evening meeting was a great night where approx 1000 people attended, 120 new believers accepted Jesus as their Lord, many testified to their healings. At the end of the crusade people were sad to see us leave and wanted to know when we would be coming again.

Day 4
It was planned for us to go back to Manaus on a large but slow boat which would have taken 20 hours, but a business man kindly arranged for a small plane to take us which was a great experience. Pastor John Nunes met us at the airport and we rested for the remainder of the day.

Day 5
Rest Day.

Day 6
The meeting was under the directorship of Pastor Paulo and was in a church of approx 70 people. After the call for salvation, 25 people responded and there were many miracles including a young girl with a painful tumour under her right arm, she could not put her arm by her side. After prayer all the pain went and she could lift her arm up in the air. Below is her photo.

Day 7
This was the first day of the Tabitha’s Ladies conference where Helen was the guest speaker. The title of the conference was ‘Tabitha’s in Action’. Many Ladies were at the meeting approx 1000 and almost all came to her to receive prayer, the Ladies seemed to really enjoy the teaching.

Day 8
This was to be the 2nd and final day of the Tabitha’s Ladies meeting, whilst Helen went to the meeting, I went to speak at the church under the directorship of Pastor Carlos.  At Pastor Carlos’s Church approx 12 responded to the call for salvation and 2 people were healed.  Helen had a really enjoyable time at the ladies meeting and many gave testimony of their healing from such things as back problems and migraines. People were also set free from emotional traumas and witchcraft.

Day 9
After lunch we were asked to pray for someone who had been paralyzed after a man hit him to the ground. Whilst at the house we prayed for a young couple with a baby, both the man and woman were deaf and mute, after prayer both were healed. They could hear and began to speak. The husband said the words ‘I love you’ to his wife for the first time. A man was also there who could not lift his arm, he was healed as well. Below are their photos.

The night meeting was at Pastor Carlos’s Church again. This was a good meeting in a very hard area of town called Zona Este. Nine responded for salvation and 2 testified to their healings. It was good to see 2 families that we ministered to last year who could not have babies. I prophesied last year that they would have a baby when we returned and that became a reality. Both brought their young babies to show us. Here they are.

Day 10
In the afternoon we went to speak in the church under the directorship of Pastor Montefussco the International President of IDPB (Independent Pentecostal Church of Brazil). This was a great meeting where many were healed including a lady with a tumour on her breast which vanished after prayer. Helen stayed to minister in this church whilst I was taken to the final meeting at Pastor Carlos’s Church. Many were healed in Pastor Carlos Church including a lady who was almost blind. Helen had a very successful meeting as many responded to her message of ‘Overcoming and Making Disciples’.

Day 11  
After lunch with the International President of IDPB, we prepared ourselves for the evening meeting under the directorship of Pastor Moises. This was a small church of approx 100 people in a poor neighbourhood, yet 15 accepted Jesus as their Lord for the first time in their lives. Many were set free from witchcraft and many healed of various diseases.

Day 12
The meeting was held at the church under the directorship of Pastor Julio. This was a nice meeting place for the church. The sides of the auditorium were open so all the neighbourhood could hear; it had a stage and a roof. The Holy Spirit really moved in this meeting, as far as I could see everyone who came for prayer was healed and all testified to their miracle. There was an old lady who needed help to come into the meeting as she was on crutches and could not stand in her own strength. After prayer she walked unaided showing no problem at all and her crutches were taken away by one of the Pastors. There were 15 people who accepted Jesus as their Lord for the first time in this service.

Day 13
The meeting this night took place at a Church called Rua Brasil, in a local area close to the hotel we were staying in. There were approx 80 people in the congregation and approx 25 responded to the prayer for salvation. There were approx 20 people who were baptized in the Holy Spirit also approx 8 testified to their healing.

Day 14
Tonight was the first night of a 3 day crusade in the main church of the mission under the directorship of Pastor John Nunes Santana.  The building is a beautiful new building which can hold 1000 + people with very nice decor. Many were blessed.  The first part of the 3 night teaching was on ‘Unmasking Your Limitations’. Many received prayer and some were healed. Approx 8 gave their lives to Jesus.

Day 15
This was the 2nd night of the teaching and the message was ‘Rising Above Your Limitations’. The church was almost full of people and this was indeed a great service. Approx 25 people accepted Jesus as their Saviour. Approx 35 received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and there were many healings. Here is a photo of the book display with 3 of my books in Portuguese.

Day 16
This was the last night in the Amazon region and the last night of the 3 day meeting, the message was titled ‘Fulfilling Your Destiny’. The Church was almost full of people, 5 accepted Jesus as their Lord, approx 600 responded to a call for prayer to be evangelists.  Approx 50 people received prayer for healing and almost all testified to their healing. A lady who received prayer the night before testified, she had not eaten for five weeks or spoken for the same time because of a cancerous tumour of the her throat. She spoke on the microphone and was extremely grateful for her miracle. Below is her photo.We had to say our goodbyes to all the friends we have in Manaus as this was our last night.

Day 17
In the morning we spoke at the Church under the directorship of Pastor Ronildo before going to the airport to travel to the state of Rondonia to the town of Porto Velho. Three people accepted Jesus as Lord in this church and many testified to their miracle. Whilst we were at the airport, 2 men were there to greet us; one man came to thank me for praying for his sister earlier in the week who had been suffering from Aids, after prayer she went to her doctor who confirmed she had been healed. When we arrived at Porto Velho, it was very hot. We were taken to the home where we would stay for the next few days. The Church was under the directorship of Pastor Motta. The evening meeting was a good one with approx 500 people and 5 people accepted Jesus as their Lord, people returned to Jesus who had fallen away and many were healed.

Day 18 & Day 19
Rest days

Day 20
The meeting was in an Independent Pentecostal Church in a very poor area, approx 60 people were there and almost all who were prayed for were healed. One person returned to their faith at this meeting.

Day 21
This was a rest day.

Day 22
There were approx 600 people at the meeting, one person accepted Jesus as His Lord and many were healed, including a 15 year old youth who had suffered from Asthma and pains in his chest since birth.  A girl was released from fear.

Day 23
This meeting was in the same church. There were many miracles this night including an old lady who could not walk because of a stroke. Her hospital sent her home to die as they could do nothing for her. She was brought to the meeting by others and the Lord healed her and she gave a testimony of her miracle. One person accepted Jesus as his Lord in this meeting.

Day 24
This was the last meeting in Porto Velho in the state of Rondonia. The church was full approx 700 people. Many came to the altar to confess of their un forgiveness and 2 people accepted Jesus as their Lord.  There were many healings.

Day 25
We went straight to the airport to catch the 2am flight to Sao Paulo. In the evening I spoke at the church under the directorship of Pastor Adilson in Santos. Approx 100 people attended the meeting. There were many wonderful miracles, including the father of my interpreter who lived in Cambridge, England. She had returned home to Brazil for 2 months to buy her wedding dress and to visit her parents. Unfortunately her father thought he would not be capable to attend her wedding in England or to take her down the aisle as he was totally blind. But Praise the Lord Jesus healed him and he received his miracle this night. Below is his Photo. Five people accepted Jesus as Lord this night as well.

Day 26
This was our last night of the mission. It was in the Church of the Family of God, again in Santos.  There were approx 100 people at the meeting, 5 responded to salvation and many were healed, many had their eyesight and hearing restored. There was a lady who was totally deaf in her left ear since she was 6 years old, after prayer she was totally restored.

Day 27
Homeward bound

We would like to thank everyone for their help and prayer support; you have all been a blessing to us.

Pastor David & Helen Measures  28/4/10  

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