Mission to Brazil

DWMMI - A Ministry of Wholeness & Healing to the Body of Christ

March 20th – April 20th 2009

Day 1
We eventually arrived at 1 pm in Manaus in the Amazon, Brazil. In the evening I spoke at the main church under the headship of the president of the Pentecostal churches of the Amazon. 34 people accepted Jesus as Lord and many were healed including the deaf, people which the medical profession was unable to help.

Day 2
We visited a community where they were starting a new church. Today was the first day of the church. This was a wonderful meeting and the people were so kind and loving. Here 32 new Christians were added to the Church. Everyone was prayed with for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and there was great rejoicing. The evening service was again at the main church. There were many testimonies of healing from the previous night’s ministry. On this occasion 100 people accepted Jesus as Lord and there were hundreds that came forward for healing. Scott went to minister in a small fellowship and they were blessed with 3 new believers and healings also.

Day 3
We rested until the evening where we ministered in a different church. There were approx 200 people at the meeting, Helen and Scott testified to the goodness of God in their lives and I preached the message. Approx 30 new converts were added to the church and many were healed of all types of ailments. Some had been under the supervision of doctors for years, one lady for 17 years and another for 7 years. Also a lady who had large fibroids in the womb was healed which was confirmed by the doctor later in the week.

Day 4
We were invited to go for a trip on the Amazon River and we had a lunch in a world famous fish restaurant. In the evening, Helen ministered at a 2 day ladies conference and Scott went to another church. Helen gave a wonderful message to 400+ ladies and many received prayer for past hurts and other needs.

Day 5
I spoke at a Pastors and wives meeting on ‘deception in the last days’ and touched on deliverance. There were many questions afterwards but I felt the Lord gave me the grace and knowledge to answer all of them. In the evening Helen spoke at the final night of the Ladies conference and I went to minister in another church. The meetings were both wonderful, Helen had approx 400 ladies and many were set free from emotional problems and there were many testimonies of healings from the previous night’s ministry. At the meeting I attended, there were 600+ people. There were testimonies of healings including a man that was almost blind. Many were set free from powers of witchcraft and Satanism and 30 people accepted Jesus as their Lord for the first time.

Day 8
In the morning we travelled to Itacotiara, a small town in the interior of the rain forest. The meeting was small but in a large church; very heavy spiritually only a few were healed. There was 1 person who accepted Jesus for the first time. It reminded me of when Jesus could hardly do any miracles in a certain town because of their unbelief; the church had meetings with the youth wearing occult symbols.

Day 7
Helen spoke wonderfully in the morning in another church in which there was a different presence, there were many that were healed and delivered. In the evening I spoke in the first church and the atmosphere was still the same as the night before, 1 person received Jesus and a few received prayer.

Day 8
Helen led a ladies meeting, many responded for past hurts and for healing of their bodies. In the evening Helen went to preach in the main church whilst I went back to another church. Eleven people responded to salvation under Helen’s ministry and many were healed and set free. In the church where I preached, one person accepted Jesus as Lord. Everyone who was received prayer for healing gave testimony of their healing.

Day 9
In the morning I taught the cell group leaders about their responsibility as leaders of their respective cells. The Pastor was very pleased as I touched on all the sensitive areas of the church. In the evening Scott went to another church whilst I preached in the host church. Scott preached a full message for the first time; it was a very powerful meeting. The church was full, approx 200 people; 8 people gave their lives to Jesus. Many were healed including a lady who could not walk. She was carried in by four men but after prayer, she walked out of the church unaided and was totally healed. Her husband who had tried to poison himself because of all the pressure of his life was set free. Many were set free from demons and prostitution. In the main church where I preached there was a different spirit after all the cell group leaders made reconciliation with the Pastor and it was a great meeting. About 200 people received deliverance from demons and many were healed including an old man who was blind. There were 11 people who became believers. After the services, we were taken for a meal then on to the boat for a night voyage on the Amazon River. We slept in hammocks and had an enjoyable trip; we arrived next morning at 4am at Itapiranga.

Day 10
This city was a small city of approx 5000 people who all seemed very poor; the houses were made of wood with tin roofs. The church meeting was very good, Scott testified and I preached. 11 accepted Jesus and almost the whole church were set free from demons, many ancestral. There was many healings including a lady who was suffering from fibroids and head and throat problems, she had travelled 6 hours by outboard motor boat to attend the meeting. Also a man who had been suffering from headaches for many years was healed.

Day 11
In the morning the Pastor invited us to go fishing on the Amazon. This was a very nice experience; they cooked the fish we caught on board the boat. The meeting at night was good as 11 people accepted Jesus as their saviour and many gave testimony of their healings.

Day 12
We had to leave very early in the morning for a 6 hour car ride back to Manaus airport to fly to Port Velho. The meeting at night was in an AOG church and 4 accepted Jesus as their Lord. Many gave testimony of healings which happened that night.

Day 13
This was the start of the 4 day crusade in this church. The meeting was good with approx 350 persons present. There were testimonies of healings and 3 accepted Jesus also 5 made a new commitment to serve the Lord.

Day 14
This meeting was in the same church. The meeting was smaller and for the first time at this place I felt a resistance to the gospel message. In spite of the challenge I gave to the church with regard to bringing the unsaved, only 2 people accepted Jesus. Nevertheless people gave testimony of healings and a deaf and dumb boy approx 19 years of age was set free and healed.

Day 15
The meeting was a Missions service for all the churches of the area and I had the privilege to speak at this service. Six couples were ordained for ministry and were sent out to serve the Lord and to start new churches; the place was full of people and approx 200 outside, probably 1000 in total. I had the privilege of addressing the people on Mark Ch 1 v 35 where the disciples said ‘everyone was looking for Jesus’. Many people were prayed for healing and 12 accepted Jesus for the first time.

Day 16
In the evening Scott ministered in a small church of approx 50 people, one person received Jesus as her Lord. There were testimonies of healings including one man whose spine was crumbling and in much pain. He had the doctors letters with him but he was no longer in pain after Scott prayed for him. A girl with a high fever was also instantly healed. In the church where I was ministering, 20 people accepted Jesus and many were healed there also.

Day 17
Day was spent travelling to Rio de Janerio.

Day 18/19
Free time in Rio de Janerio.

Day 20
We caught a flight to Belo Horizonte in the state of Mina Gerais for our next preaching engagement. The meetings were held in a gymnasium and on the first night there were two people who accepted Jesus as their Saviour and many testified to their healing. People received healing of their eyesight and limbs were healed.

Day 21
This night Scott testified and I preached. The presence of God was so real. Many were healed including approx 8 ladies with breast cancer. After prayer all the lumps were gone. People responded to the challenge of salvation totaling 14 souls for the kingdom.

Day 22
The meeting was small this night but was filled with Power as I spoke about the ‘blessings which come from heaven’ and Jesus taking the keys of ‘Death and Hell’. A man in a wheelchair who had suffered from 4 strokes was healed; he pushed his wife out the church in ‘his’ wheelchair. Praise the Lord! A lady approx 35 years of age who was a mute was set free and spoke for her first time, ‘even in English’ as she repeated after me. Also many others gave testimony of their healings.

Day 23
Today was Easter Sunday. We visited a street market where there seemed to be thousands of people. Afterwards we prepared ourselves for the meeting at night. It was in the church building and was a very nice service. One girl accepted Jesus as her Saviour and many were healed. People received back their hearing, also eyesight was restored and a man who had a stroke who could hardly walk ran in the church. Many back problems were healed and limbs were restored back to full health.

Day 24
Today was Easter Monday and was a free day for us.

Day 25
We moved to another area in Belo Horizonte. The meeting was in a very nice Baptist Church and many other Pastors were there also. There were testimonies of healings and 3 people accepted Jesus as their Lord.

Day 26
After lunch we went to the healing service of the church. I preached about the ‘Man in the tombs’ and we had a deliverance service. Everyone confessed that they had received healing except one man whose eyesight was restoring gradually. There was a young girl approx 17 years old who had been paralyzed who was using crutches walked from the church unaided.

Day 27
This day was our last day in Belo Horizonte. It was a great meeting with 7 accepting Jesus as their Lord. Many were healed from eyesight problems including 2 blind people that could see very faintly after prayer. One lady had her hearing restored and many back and shoulder problems were healed.

Day 28
We rose early and travelled by car to the outskirts of Sao Paulo to a city called Camanducaia. The church was a nice building with approx. 100 persons there. Scott testified and I preached from Mark Ch 5 ‘about the woman who touched Jesus’. There were many testimonies of healings also 10 responded to the call of Salvation.

Day 29
In the morning I spoke at a Pastors meeting attended by many Pastors from Sao Paulo. The evening meeting was a joint celebration with other churches. I preached and 8 people accepted Jesus as Lord also there was miraculous healings. A Lady had tumours on both breasts but they had disappeared after prayer! A man who could not put any weight on his left foot jumped up and down after prayer and was totally healed.

Day 30
This was our final day in Brazil on this mission. Helen testified and I preached. There were many healings also 15 people responded to the call of Salvation. The mission has been well worth it as approx 450 people have been added to the kingdom and there have been hundreds of healings of which we give Jesus all the praise.

We wish to thank everyone for their prayers and support for the mission and pray you all receive the Lord’s blessing for your life.

Every Blessing, David

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