Thursday 22nd July
Day 1
We left Birmingham airport at 8.55am and arrived at Zurich airport Switzerland approx 1 hour later. We then departed Zurich for Sofia airport, Bulgaria, and arrived at 4.30pm local time.
Our host Pastor Tommy met us at the airport along with his son Sámi and we processed to go to a town called Elin Pelin where a member of Pastor Tommy’s church named Bobby kindly allowed us to use his two bedroom apartment for our time in Elin Pelin. After a large slice of pizza and a quick coke we made our way to Tommy’s church for the evening service. We arrived with many of the local people meeting us at the door, welcoming us with greetings and love.
The service began with some inspiring worship mainly from young Bulgarian men and women as well as some great words from Pastor Tommy who then introduced Pastor David.
Pastor David then introduced, David and Bob and myself to the congregation and thanked them for there welcome and shared some miracles he had experienced on his recent trip to Brazil.
I was then invited to give my testimony with Pastor Tommy interpreting and I believe it was greatly appreciated.
Bob then came forward and gave a great message on receiving Christ into there lives and explaining the power that the lord has and the anointing that He has for everyone who will receive. Bob then gave an invitation to those who hadn’t accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour to do so in front of the church in the presence of the Holy Spirit. It started slowly but with Pastor David’s encouragement ten people gave there hearts to the lord!!!
This then opened the floodgates as nearly all the 130 plus congregation came forward for prayer and healing. David, Bob, Pastor David and I began to lay hands on the people and we witnessed many miracles and healings including one lady with a paralysed arm, now being able to stretch and pick up a cup in her now healed hand! Another miracle was with a young lady who was a deaf mute, the power of God touched her and she was then able to hear and communicate.
Day 2
Day two started with a lamb burger for breakfast and reflection on what was a miraculous day yesterday! We then walked around the town square in 30 degrees temperatures and took in the sights and sounds of the town.
Pastor Tommy picked us up in the afternoon where we proceeded to travel 35 miles to Ihtiman where we were to minister in front of a congregation of 250- 300 people.
The service started with a word from Pastor Kristof and then a professional worship singer sang, and praised the Lord
Pastor David then came forward to introduce David, Bob and myself to the congregation and proceeded to give his testimony about what the Lord had done in his life.
Pastor David then invited David Kennedy forward to bring the message in which he preached on “pulling down strongholds” and people responded to the word by coming forward for healing and prayer.
After all prayer and deliverance were finished many people testified to the miracles they had received.
Day 3
Rest Day
Day 4
We had an early start to Sunday morning with myself and Bob at one church and Pastor David and David Kennedy at another 60 miles away.
Bob and I ministered to a congregation of about 150 people in which 5 people gave there hearts to the Lord!
Most if not all came forward for prayer and healing; many of the people testified to their healing and freedom from witchcraft and curses. The power of the Lord was in the house!
Pastor David and David Kennedy with our host Pastor Tommy were at another church in Samokov where they ministered to a 1,000 people!
Over 300 people recommitted there lives to the Lord with many more receiving prayer and healing.
One of the children who came forward for prayer was a 7 year old boy who was totally blind from birth but with the anointing of the Lord, Pastor David prayed and the little boy could see! He saw his mother for the first time and Pastor Tommy held up 3 fingers of his hand and the boy replied by holding 3 fingers up himself! Praise the Lord!
After the service Pastor David and David Kennedy were then asked to go to a house where there was a young man who was suffering with a brain tumour and had lost the ability to speak, then after prayer, the power of God produced a dramatic deliverance in which the young man replied with Jesus, Jesus!
In the evening David Kennedy and I ministered in Pastor Tommy’s church in which a family of 8 all gave there hearts to the Lord! Many of the people testified to the healings which they had received from our previous visit earlier in the week. Pastor David and Bob visited a small church in which 5 responded to the call of salvation with many receiving blessings and healings.
Day 5
Travelled to Greece
Day 6
Today we enjoyed the hot sunshine and had a nice swim in the Mediterranean Sea, which felt really nice after our long journey the previous day.
We then left for a town called Katerini in which we all ministered to a small church with mainly an older congregation. David Kennedy and Pastor David brought the message and I gave a short testimony. The service went well with many of the people asking for prayer and healing.
Day 7
We started early with a meeting with one of the local Pastor’s for breakfast.
We then left for a town called Thessalonica In which we visited the area where the Apostle Paul first preached and now there was a small church to commemorate it. Also it was where he had written the letters to the Thessalonians. It was very exciting to be in the same place and following in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul!
After we had visited the town, we proceeded to travel to Alexandria, where there was a church of about 80 people with many being young men.
Pastor David then brought a message on being a “yoyo Christian” in which 12 people recommitted their lives to Christ.
There were also 5 people who came forward for Salvation. We ministered and prayed for healing to a number of people.
Day 8
Rest day
Day 9
The meeting this day was in a very poor area. It was a midweek prayer meeting in which there were a lot of young children present.
David Kennedy brought the message with me giving a testimony. There was a salvation appeal in which a young boy committed his heart to the Lord! There were 3 people who recommitted their lives to the Lord and prayer and healing was ministered.
Day 10
Rest day
Day 11
We had a early start to the day with David Kennedy leaving the party to go minister in our church in England.
Pastor David, Bob and I then checked out of the hotel in Thessalonica to travel north to Sandanski, in Bulgaria.
After one hours rest we travelled 60 miles to Blagoevgrad to minister to a church of 60 people who were slowly building a fantastic new building for there church.
Pastor Bob started preaching on the Great commission with Pastor David concluding with the story about the man with the “withered hand” (Luke 6: 6)
One lady who came for salvation with many healings and miracles witnessed.
There were two ladies that were deaf but after prayer they could hear and also a lady who had pain in her arm all were healed in the name of Jesus!
Day 12
Rest day
Day 13
We had a busy day scheduled with Pastor David preaching in a church of 100 people and Bob and I preaching to a smaller congregation of about 70 people.
At Pastor David’s church there were 30 people who recommitted their lives to the Lord. There was a lady who had a tumour on her neck but with the laying on of hands, the lady was healed!
Bob and I had a wonderful meeting with a lot of the congregation being younger people. Many of them were suffering from many different kinds of fear but in the name of Jesus, were set free!
Day 14
The weather had taken a turn for the worst with heavy rain, thunder and lightening! Pastor David asked me to preach at Pastor Tommy’s church. It was a wonderful service with many of our new Bulgarian friends in attendance. The message the Lord placed on my heart to preach was “having a vision for your life”
Most of the congregation came forward for prayer, healing and financial breakthrough and it was a night I’ll never forget!
Day 15
The day started with Pastor Tommy taking us to the mountains that overlooked all Sofia. It was a marvellous view with natural spring water and fresh clean air all around us.
We again had 2 church services in which Pastor David ministered to a small congregation in which one person came forward for salvation.
Pastor David gave a teaching on “fulfilling the condition to receive the promise”
Bob and I ministered to a church of 80 people in which I brought my testimony with a little message about “having a vision for your life”
Bob then came forward with his testimony as well as a message about the “love that God has for you”
Many people came forward for prayer and healing with one women testifying that before tonight, she couldn’t stand up for more than 5 minutes at a time. After the laying on of hands the anointing touched her and she was healed!
Day 16
The day started with more and more churches coming forward to invite us to minister but the problem was not enough translators!
We had two evening services with Pastor David preaching at a very poor church in which 6 people came forward for salvation. Even though the people were poor, they had a great passion for Jesus.
Bob and I were preaching at a larger church in which 50 people came back to the Lord. The presence of God was electric with many people receiving prayer and healing.
Day 17
It was the day of the “big crusade” and we were all looking forward to a great meeting.
The weather forecast was not good, but with prayer the clouds lifted and the sunshine came.
There were over a thousand people at the crusade with Pastor David preaching and I giving a testimony. It was a great atmosphere and it was unbelievable experience preaching to a large congregation.
As many as 600 people came running for salvation and later for prayer and healing. All the team then came down from the stage into the congregation with people being touched by the Holy Spirit and many testified to being healed.
It was a great evening and a real highlight of the mission.
Day 18
It was the final day of ministry with Bob ministering at a drug rehabilitation centre to about 40 people.
Bob preached to them on John Ch 16. Encouraging them to walk deeper with the Holy Spirit and to receive God’s total provision also release from addictions and fear. He then prayed for many with heart problems, marital problems and sickness with all being touched by the Lord.
Pastor David and I ministered at a large church with a congregation of about 500 people.
Pastor David brought a teaching on “unmasking your limitations” with myself giving a testimony.
Then to our surprise all the congregation came forward for prayer in which Pastor David and I were extremely busy, it was such a privilege serving the Lord.
In the evening we returned to Pastor Tommy’s church with Pastor David preaching about “ministry of the Holy Spirit”
One lady possessed by an evil spirit was dramatically set free after two years of ministry.
Many more came forward for prayer and healing.
Pastor David, Bob and I then performed a short sketch of the “Prodigal son” in which we thought was greatly performed and greatly received!
It was a wonderful way to finish the mission and we would like to thank everybody for their well wishes and prayers.
Day 19
Return home.